أنت صممته نحن صنعناه

Mold Making Services

Mold Making Service: Quality Molds for Fast and Reliable Production

Why Choose Our Mold Making Services?

Our mold making services are essential for high-volume, precision manufacturing. With our expertise, we deliver molds that are durable, highly accurate, and optimized for efficient production, ensuring cost-effectiveness and consistent quality for your products.

Types of Molds We Specialize In

الطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد

Injection Molds

Precision molds for high-volume plastic part production, ideal for automotive, electronics, and consumer goods.

التصنيع الآلي باستخدام الحاسب الآلي

Die-Casting Molds

Durable molds for creating high-strength metal components, used in automotive, aerospace, and industrial applications.

القولبة بالحقن

Blow Molds

Molds designed for the efficient production of hollow plastic parts, such as bottles and containers.

تصنيع الصفائح المعدنية

Stamping Dies

Precision tooling for sheet metal forming processes, suitable for producing complex metal parts with high accuracy.

Our Mold Making Processes



Using advanced CAD/CAM technology to create precise mold designs tailored to your specific needs.


Material Selection

Choosing the right materials for the mold, ensuring durability and performance during production.


Mold Fabrication

High-precision machining processes to build the mold with exact specifications and tight tolerances.


Inspection & Testing

Rigorous quality control checks to ensure the mold meets all design and performance criteria.


Trial Runs

Conducting trial production runs to verify the mold’s performance before full-scale production.

خدمة صناعة القوالب Materials

Tool Steel

High-strength, wear-resistant material ideal for long-lasting molds used in high-volume production.


Lightweight and easy to machine, perfect for prototypes and low-volume production molds.

Alloy Steel

Offers a good balance of toughness, machinability, and resistance to wear and tear.

خدمة صناعة القوالب Surface Finishing

We provide various surface finishing techniques, including polishing, electroplating, painting, and anodizing. Whether to enhance the appearance or improve durability, we offer the best finishing solutions for your project.

اعرف المزيد
Anodizing suface finshining
Powder Coating suface finshining
Electroplating suface finshining
Passivation suface finshining
Polishing suface finshining
Sandblasting suface finshining
Chemical Etching suface finshining
Galvanizing suface finshining
Brushing suface finshining

خدمة صناعة القوالب Quality Management

Our quality management process is stringent. From material selection to final inspection, every step is carefully controlled by a professional team to ensure each prototype meets the highest standards.

اعرف المزيد

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    حجم الملف: < 25 ميغابايت يتم الحفاظ على سرية الملفات المرفوعة. إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة، اتصل بنا على info@qdj-prototype.com.